Monday, July 21, 2008

Crowne Plaza Hotel workers picket

Last Friday July 18,2008 as I was walking along Jalan Sultan Ismail near the Raja Chulan Monorail station, I heard the sound of beating drums and honking which caught my attention. As I scanned the area around me, I saw a group of about 80 Crowne Plaza hotel workers picketing noisily outside the hotel.

The hotel workers are members of the National Union of Hotel, Bar & Restaurant Workers, Peninsular Malaysia (NUHW) and they carry out the picket twice a week for three hours from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm.

The picket came in the aftermatch of a failed negotiation for a new Collective Agreement (CA) to replace the old one which had expired last December 2007. The workers returned to work but pledged to continue the picket against Crowne Plaza until they win a fair CA that will ensure them decent wages, benefits and working conditions.

Officials of NUHW were also present to lend support and to ensure the picket was carried out smoothly.

Two policmen stood outside their patrol car which was parked a distant away but within sight of the picketers to ensure there was no untoward incident.

Given the recent petrol price hike of 40.6% (a big jump from RM1.92 per litre to RM2.70 per litre) and sharp increase in prices of food which are affecting the livelihood of many wage earners like the hotel workers, it is hope that the hotel management would take a re-look into the stalemate which is doing no good to the industry. Let common sense prevails.

Picketers beating the drum (plastic container) to attract attention.

Disgruntled workers carrying placards expressing their unhappiness with the management.

A placard reads "Crowne Plaza, Stop Being Greedy"

Another reads "We want better pay not peanuts"

"Minyak naik, gaji dan bonus bila nak naik? Banyak $$$"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reason why so many people can afford to eat at restaurants, including those at hotels, is that the food is relatively cheap because restaurant workers are very poorly paid. I think, also, they don't get overtime. So people are eating and enjoying themselves at the expense of the restaurant workers.